Monday 28 February 2011


After four years and many seasons later I am still working as part of Emilio's team as his stylist alongside Raquel Garcia. I got back from Amsterdam after a major weekend of sex, drugs and rock n roll and headed straight to his studio. It was the night of fittings and with such small space to work with things can get very hectic and claustrophobic up in there! Surprisingly the models smelt half decent and were attentive for once.Usually after NYFW we deal with a bunch of divas that havent come in to contact with soap or a can of DOVE spray for at least a week, this time was quite refreshing! We were faced with the dilemma of the models having gained weight this season so a majority of the collection had to go straight in to alteration in prep for tomorrows show! Charlotte Olympia who has supplied Emilio with shoes for the last few seasons now had customised a message in her shoes personally for him. I was smitten. Check my twitter page for the picture...Charlotte Olympia loves Emilio De La Morena.

Two hours later and im back at the studio ready to be chauffeur driven to the venue at Somerset House. In the car we're still putting looks in order, waiting for other models to confirm the show and basically pulling everything together before the show in three hours time. Sometimes you just cant be too organised things always pull together in the last minute, ive learnt that from experience. 

Mayhem breaks loose. The collection hasnt arrived, models are late from other shows, things are still unfinished and we only have 18 looks confirmed! Im flying around like a headless chicken trying to put things right being a right bossy cow demanding hangers, tape and rails. 

The show commences and we have a successful lift off. In fact it happens so quickly considering how long it bloody takes for the climax. Next we bag up and exit ASAP to go and explore the exhibition and nab ourselves some free cocktails!Liquid lunch it is.

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