Tuesday 14 June 2011


After living in London and forking out on fabrics, haberdashery and beads as a second nature, you almost become oblivious to how your spending. Sometimes its better you dont know and just chuck your plastic at the machine and hope for the best. Pay now worry later moto. My collection cost me grands, and thats because I never had the time or energy to properly research how or where to get cheaper materials. I am an addict for haberdashery and enjoy really textile based work. I spent my life in beadcraft in Carnaby Street spending a fortune on their beads and other bits. VAT was also whacked on to the price which made it ten times more expensive. The more I came out of London the cheaper everything became and the more I recognised just how much London rips you off>> especially Kliens. I found a trimming in there that I sourced in Hitchin for 3 pounds a meter being charged at 12 pounds without VAT. It was EXACTLY the same!!

So I started to make more appearances to my local market in my home town in Hitchin and source more goods there. A bead stall opened up just after I did my collection and supplies almost EVERYTHING at fantastic prices. A bubbly lady called Dawn who runs the stall knows all the history of her beads and always educates me on how to make my own and suppliers that can manufacture in large quantities. The stall has such a large variety and is often updated seasonally so you are aware of the current trends and styles. Dawn supplies vintage beads as well which are always inspiring and unique to see and often spurs on visualising clothes and design ideas!

I just wanted to share this with everyone who reads my blog and advise them to leave enough time to research their materials. You can discover something far more unique and pay half the price for it! I have purchased a lot from Dawn which ranges from Swarovski crystals to metal beads and jewellery chains. I am some what addicted to her hospitality and stall and make a journey at least one every 2 weeks to see what she has. It keeps me motivated to produce exciting pieces!

You can contact Dawn for any enquiries on: beadbitz@ntlworld.com
Or visit her stall in Hitchin on tuesdays, fridays and saturdays

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