Wednesday 19 January 2011


I received a few packages today but nothing quite compared to the DOLCE VITA magazine that was sat posing with my name biroed on the envelope! The package was left unopened with such patience until I met the girls for a quick bite to eat. There I tore open the paper like a frantic child waiting for that new my polly pocket and presented two mini glossy magazines. With excitement the girls and I shoved our heads in to the pages and began skimming for my name. Never would you believe to see  HAYLEY ANNE LAI alongside such high and established designer names such as DIOR and LOUBITON! It was an incredible feeling. That was my NAME in BOLD with my STUFF!! Its like seeing yourself on TV, no matter how many appearances you make it still feels so surreal and the shock remains the same........

As for the shoot I was impressed and completely satisfied with the styling, concept and overall presentation. Check it out for yourselves: 

My Black origami bangles up close

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