Sunday 3 April 2011


Hey Hayley, 
Its Sarah we met last week i should assume you aint forgot ;-) (yet)
well im nearing the shoot for that band i told you about and have checked out your stuff online. think your pieces would be great for the shoot.
the bands called Pippa Marias, they have fb pages and myspace and have a look at to see how far they are willing to take there beautiful campness.
But this shoot is to have more of an edge with a slight futuristic feel, there first ep is a track 'love is like a feather but it cuts like a knife' and there release night is at koko in camden; they are being part managed by Blur's ex manager.
The only thing being though is we dont have much of a budget but thought you might be up for doing some TFP? and get some free tickets backstage stuff? they are also wanting to put these shots we are taking on 200 totes and hand them out at the EP launch night.
anyway give me a shout back if your interested in doing something. 

Hope your well babe and was great meeting you


Sarah and I met whilst working at Emilio's show this season. Her and Raquel lived in the same apartment in Hackney and it was their interest and passion for fashion that their paths crossed. Sarah was also working as a stylist with a recent project underway to style a new up coming band called PIPPA MARIAS managed by BLURS ex manager. She explained to me her brief and in exchange I gave her my business card. A couple days later Sarah got in touch and we planned how we could incorporate my collection in to the bands image. Here are a few photos alongside my accessories. I like the way Sarah has explored my black jewelled origami necklace by fastening it on the loop of the trouser. 

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