Tuesday 10 May 2011



Hello Hayley!

I'm Aline and I work for the International Young Fashion Designers Festival of Charleroi. This years edition will take place at the Palace of fine Arts of Charleroi, Belgium, on october 15th & 16th, 2011. The aim of our festival is to exhibit young designers that we consider as tomorrow's great names of fashion. Guest designers can exhibit their creations and also sell pieces.

We really love your work and would like to know if you would accept to take part to our exhibition market in our gallery during those two days, amongst different young talents of fashion.

Please have a look at our pressfile attached.

Housing and transportation can be provided if needed. 

So, are you interested? In case it actually does, technical details and further information will follow, of course!


Aline Decat

received this email yesterday lunch time from Aline. Sounds like such a fab opportunity! especially as I will have far more to show/ sell this time round as im currently making my second collection. So it's been nearly a year that I havent done a typical 9-5 job. As much as my financial side is not exactly amazing right now I have taken on so many great opportunities that have led me to meet some great people which money cant buy. I feel the time out has allowed me to grow as a person and to vent all my energy in to starting up my own business. Going to Belgium will give me an insight on how to liaise with clients that will be interested in buying or selling my work. This time round I will not only be part of a catwalk show, but an art like exhibition. The beauty is I can also take my new collection with me as well to showcase to hopefully boost my sales. I always seem to have one event after the other and I hope eventually it will lead to my big break! watch this space......

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