Tuesday 3 May 2011


Late Sunday evening I received an email to my shitberry saying that BFW had written a mini blog about me. The realisation of the fact the show is only days away hit me in the face like a wet fish. I have no garments completed as yet and have til the end of the month to make 10 full looks. When I posted the link of FB a few of my friends inboxed me asking if I was making a new collection. They know me only too well to know that I haven't quite started yet. There's something about severe pressure that I feed off. Today I am going to get a few sewing bits n bobs to make two garments with. Ive realised if I want to make my deadline, I have to make at least three looks a week from now plus think of styling, music and presentation! BRING IT ON! This collection may well be the death of me. I NEVER LEARN MY LESSON-FACT!!

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