Thursday 21 April 2011


Hello Hayley,

I hope you are well.

I saw a couple of your dresses on F tape and they are stunning.

I am styling Sister Bliss from Faithless for their last ever gig at Brixton at the end of the week.. 

I would be happy to hire or supply you guest list to the gig if you wanted to come?

The show will be a pretty big deal and will be filmed and also shown around cinema's as a big goodbye and thank you to all their fans.

Anyway, I am hoping to do my fitting this evening or tomorrow morning.. So please let me know if you are interested in lending.

Thanks so much and hope to hear from you soon,

Semra x

Semra Haksever
07766 714 353

It must have been fate. The evening Semra contacted me I was sat at my laptop with 13 pages of A4 requests stuck all over my wall. It was a busy week and my entire collection had been completely booked out. I mailed Semra back explaining that most of my stuff was either out already or was due to go out to various photographers, stylists and publications in the next following days. She was eager as Ayalah was adamant she wanted to wear Hayley Lai and even offered to commission me for lending them Look 5. I cancelled three shoots in order to make this possible and the stuff was picked up the following day. Semra was awesome we got along like Dolce and Gabanna and she called me back in a few hours after fittings with Faithless to confirm that Ayalah wanted to wear my stuff. She also said that she wanted to buy my accessories to help advertise me as a designer in her up coming interviews and press. I WAS EXSTATIC!

Semra gave me two VIP tickets to attend the Faithless gig the following night which was in Brixton academy. I ended up going alone.Im not a major fan and so didnt really know what to expect. Wallking in backstage under sister bliss's guestlist I came out right at the front of the stage. The atmosphere was euphoric and the adrenaline pumped straight through my system making me overwhelmed with excitement. Although I have seen my stuff on stage many times, nothing quite compared to seeing it live on stage in action with over 3000 or more fans going crazy! My blacked jewelled body piece looked ha-amazing! It was such a surreal moment! 
Twitter was going crazy about the concert and I managed to pull some images from someone's account:

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